Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Angel from Hell: Not Heavenly Enough?

After watching the trailers, I was super excited for the pilot of this show, but its Rotten Tomatoes score of 41%, and IMDb rating of 6.5/10 weren't looking too promising. Despite these pretty low scores, I was still willing to give it a chance because let's be honest, who doesn't love Jane Lynch?

The episode opens in a farmer's market, where Amy (played by Jane Lynch) is performing street magic for passersby. Meanwhile, Allison (played by Maggie Lawson) is busy shopping for groceries for the house warming party she will be throwing to celebrate her boyfriend Evan (played by David Denham) moving in. After purchasing the radishes she'd been eyeing up, Allison grabs Evan's hand to leave when she accidentally bumps into Amy who had just bent down to pick up her hat filled with her day's earnings. An obviously original and never before used way to have two characters meet.

After both apologizing for being clumsy, Allison is shocked when Amy seems to know everything about her, including her name, profession, and the fact that her boyfriend Evan is unemployed. Thinking it was all a coincidence, Allison quickly leaves, thinking that she'd never see Amy again. But boy was she wrong. Amy shows up at Allison's coffee date with her brother and excitedly says Dr. Allison! It's me, Amy, from the farmer's market. How random is this running into you?" After extensively and uncomfortably flirting with Allison's brother, Amy leaves and waits to confront Allison again outside of the coffee shop. At this point, Allison is thoroughly freaked out, and between swigs of some mystery beverage in a flask, Amy tells Allison that she's her guardian angel.

Unfortunately, I was a bit disappointed by this episode. I had high expectations since I've always loved Jane Lynch, and I've had a soft spot for Maggie Lawson ever since I binge watched all eight seasons of Psych. Although all of the cast members did a great job acting, the writers were just not nailing it with the jokes, or lack there of. I only laughed a couple of times throughout the whole episode, and I didn't feel the warm, fuzzy feeling a good comedy show I usually get after watching a good comedy show.

Overall, this episode was very meh". I think the concept is very unique and has potential, and plan on giving it another chance and watching a couple more episodes to see if the writers end up improving the comedic portion of the plot. However, I don't plan on getting too attached since articles have stated that this show hasn't been picked up for a second season.

Evan: I was going to make you guess what my job was!"
Amy: You're unemployed."
Evan: Actually, I'm developing an app."
Amy: Do you get paid for that?"
Evan: Yeah, I'm talking to some investors." 
Amy: Yeah, you're unemployed." 


  1. It can be hit or miss a lot of the time with new shows coming out and based off this it sounds like a miss. I agree with you that the "guardian angel" idea is a unique one that hasn't been used to often, but if it can't be unique anywhere else there's a problem. It bums me out too because Maggie Lawson played Jules in Psych and was fantastic!

  2. The trailer was pretty sort so I couldn't really grasp the concept enough to see if I would like it. Although from your description and the rating it does seem like it was a good idea that just wasn't written well.

  3. I'm sorry to hear this show wasn't as good as you had anticipated. I see the potential in the premise, so it's a shame that it wasn't written well. Hopefully you will find plenty of laughs in future shows you choose to investigate!!

  4. Even if the concept of a show sounds interesting or if there are popular comedians or actors in it, if the writing isn't there, you get a big flop. Take John Mulaney's show. He is a wonderful stand up act, but his show is absolutely horrendous. Sometime's its just not meant to be.
